Genelec 1032C SAM Scale Replica

Partner wanted me to get rid (move them to garage) of my old Yamaha NS-20i. She said she wanted something smaller and lighter in the living room, something like at my office.

Soooo, let’s do something just like that. Let’s create some Genelec Replicas!


Genelec provides quite good line drawings of their speakers on their website and this speaker is pretty simply shaped. The hardest part was estimating hidden depths from live images.

1″ Waveguide
5.5″ Bass guide







These complex parts were 3D-printed, sanded, filled, sanded, filled, sanded and painted.





Cases were made from 19mm MDF from Bauhaus: . Sadly MDF is a bit hard to find in Finland so a bit of traveling is mandatory.

Parts were cut to size, holes and countersunks routed and then parts were glued together.


After glue had cured the corners were routed round. I made a little mistake which I noticed a tad too late: Too round corners…


Speaker parts

Parts were mainly bought from
Looks quite right.